Application Notes for specific cases and general hardware set-up
The linked note describes the procedure for setting up and troubleshooting the Vic-Snap remote app as well as details on using the supplied D-Link DIR-505L. ...
This application note explains how to merge data from several systems encircling a cylinder. ...
In Vic-2D and Vic-3D, some of the inspector tools will cause data to be averaged over a certain area - specifically, the Disc and Rectangle tools. With these tools, when the data is extracted, the res...
Template Tags TEMPLATE TAG REFERENCE Important note: if a tag is broken up by formatting, revision tracking, or spell checking, it will not be processed. It is usually best to turn off all change tr...
The PDF below describes the procedure for linking multiple systems to a test specimen with identified markers. ...
The link application note discusses the realities to consider when using DIC to measure a specimen with surface cracking, and how shape, displacement, and strain measurments may be affected when surfa...
The attached guide lays out the steps required to setup and run a correlation using the Real-Time server and analysis capabilities ...
The attached document shows the wiring set-ups for the various configurations of triggering and acquiring images with the Baumer QX Series and the ATB-V. ...
There are many changes and improvements to the user interface of Vic-3D 10 including a number of added plotting options. Below are some common questions and answers. What is Outlier Suppression? In ...