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Frequently Asked Questions about Vic-3D 10

There are many changes and improvements to the user interface of Vic-3D 10 including a number of added plotting options. Below are some common questions and answers.

What is Outlier Suppression?

In Vic-3D 9 and earlier, plots automatically scaled to exclude the top and bottom 1% of the data so that errant data points would not throw off the scale. In Vic-3D this behavior can be enabled or disabled with three Outlier Suppression modes (available in the Sequence tab of the plot controls);

  • Off: the scale includes all data.
  • On: outliers are suppressed - the scale leaves off the very top and bottom of the range.
  • Auto: if outliers are present, they are suppressed; otherwise, the range includes all data.
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  1. Micah Simonsen

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