Application Notes for specific cases and general hardware set-up
INTERPRETING 2D DIC DATA Why does my strain or displacement data not match theory or other measuring techniques? INTRODUCTION Digital Image Correlation (DIC) data is often used as a validation method,...
Strain filters in Vic-2D and Vic-3D are user-defined so that users can select how localized or how averaged the strains will be presented in the data. The strain filter helps determine the strain gau...
System Specs Many things in our test set-up can affect our noise and resolution, but with a good setup, the following rules of thumb can be applied to estimate what type of noise and resolution you ca...
INTERPRETING 3D DIC DATA Why does my strain or displacement data not match theory or other measuring techniques? INTRODUCTION Digital Image Correlation (DIC) data is often used as a validation meth...
We offer many different cameras, but in general theses are some things to check if your cameras aren't coming up: 1. Did anything change since they were last working (software settings, upgrading, etc...
The attached PDF contains a few quick tips about setting up and using network license keys. Please note that while Linux distributions of our software are not available, the network license may be ser...
Generally speaking, there are not many rules to setting up cameras, such as the stereo angle between cameras and lens selection because the calibration calculates all the parameters, such as stereo an...
Practices and Procedures to minimize error/noise and eliminate bias in your DIC data are covered in the attached PDF. ...
Vic-3D 8 and later have a new calibration option using Variable Ray Origin (VRO) camera models to eliminate measurement bias when imaging through refractive surfaces. This is especially useful for set...
By default, Vic-3D uses the Best Plane Fit to assign a coordinate system. This option calculates a transform into the best fit plane of the surface. Sometimes it is preferred to leave the data in c...