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Technical Articles

Application Notes for specific cases and general hardware set-up

  • Navitar Lens Assembly Instructions

    Navitar lens systems allow for a 6.5x magnification.  The lens systems include many parts (C-mount coupler, adapters, zoom lenses, lens attachments, extenders, etc.)  Linked below are flowcharts and e...

  • Vic Snap "Show Focus/contrast" feature

    This feature was previously labeled Show co-variance and then Show sigma estimate.    The Show Focus/Contrast feature may be selected by right clicking the live image in Vic-Snap.  The user is also gi...

  • Vibration Measurements with the Vibration Synchronization Module

    The linked article covers vibration and rotary measurements using the vibration module in Vic-Snap....

  • High Magnification Calibration

    Calibrating for a high magnification setup can present a few challenges. This article will discuss techniques for getting the best calibration result at small fields of view. What is 'high magnificati...

  • Hybrid Calibration

    The attached PDF describes the procedure for Hybrid Calibration in Vic-3D....

  • Merging Data from Two Systems in Vic-3D

    The attached PDF gives an overview of merging data from multiple stereo systems....

  • Phantom Camera Notes

    The newest generation of Phantom high-speed cameras are supported directly through VIC-Snap, the attached PDF will show how to get these cameras up and running in Vic-Snap....

  • Surface Cracking

    Using DIC (digital image correlation) to measure cracking surfaces or breaking specimens can be a difficult task. The attached application note discusses some realities that must be considered when us...

  • Technical Support and Upgrades Contract

    What Your System Includes: Turn-key DIC systems include a minimum of a year of support and upgrades (some systems include longer service contracts).  This contract can be extended at anytime.  Check w...

  • Complex Plot Extractions

    The new complex extractions feature in VIC-3D 9 allows for the selection of statistical functions such as minimum, maximum, mean, median, and standard deviation with the statistics group. The attached...