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Technical Articles

Application Notes for specific cases and general hardware set-up

  • Camera Coordinate System in Vic-3D

    By default, Vic-3D uses the Best Plane Fit to assign a coordinate system.  This option calculates a transform into the best fit plane of the surface.   Sometimes it is preferred to leave the data in c...

  • VRO Calibration in Vic-3D

    Vic-3D 8 and later have a new calibration option using Variable Ray Origin (VRO) camera models to eliminate measurement bias when imaging through refractive surfaces. This is especially useful for set...

  • Heat Waves in Digital Image Correlation

    Overview When heat sources or hot surfaces are present in a DIC testing setup, refractive heat waves may distort your image; this distortion is not always apparent but it can create major errors in yo...

  • 2D Digital Image Correlation Applications

    Vic 2D Applications          In order for a setup to be a good 2D application (with just one camera), the specimen must be: Specimen must be flat Specimen must be planar to camera sensor No part of th...

  • Triggering Methods

    An overview and setup guide of the triggering methods including Digital Pulse(or TTL Capture) and Hardware Triggering, used to obtain synchronized data during the acquisition process, available throug...

  • Continuous Surfaces in DIC

    Because of how we track and match images in order to obtain data, and because of the fundamentals of strain theory, we must treat the area of interest as a continuous surface.  Discontinuous surfaces ...

  • Calibrating for Reduced Resolution

    Overview Many high-speed cameras allow speed increases by reducing (cropping) image resolution. However, calibration can be difficult or impossible at the reduced resolution; in most cases calibrating...

  • FLIR Integration with Vic-3D and Vic-Snap

    This application note covers the procedure for combining FLIR temperature data with 3D correlation fields, as well as the basics of using a FLIR camera with Vic-Snap. ...

  • Multi-View Registration from Rigid Motions

    The principle behind using multi-view registration from rigid motions is to calibrate multiple systems separately, use rigid motions of a speckle pattern to determine the geometric transformations bet...

  • SEM Drift Correction

    The linked PDF details the procedure for correcting SEM drift and distortion in Vic-2D. The ZIP file contains a demo set of distortion correction data together with an image list....