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Calibration Target Generator, Speckle Pattern Generator, Python Scripts

  • Compute Acceleration Python Script

    This program computes the acceleration for a series of 2D or 3D data files. Velocity must already be present for this script to work. ...

  • out2csv Python Script

    Illustrates how to export variables from a Vic data file to a csv file. ...

  • Compute Resultant Python Script

    Loads a data file and computes the displacement magnitude. ...

  • Speckle Generator

    The latest version of our speckle pattern generator may be downloaded by simply clicking the link, or right-clicking on the link and selecting Save link as.... or Save target as.... Speckle Generator...

  • Target Generator

    The latest version of our calibration target generator may be downloaded by simply clicking the link or right-clicking on the link and selecting Save link as.... or Save target as.... Target Generato...